God is bigger than ….

“We put value on everything in our lives. The doctors report, a cold or cancer, our stuff, the words of close people versus strangers. How big is God and how much value his word is in our life? Are our problems bigger than Him?” Paraphrasing Andrew Wommack from “Discover the keys to staying full of God.”

Recently I’ve been very excited but slightly overwhelmed by all that’s happening in my life. I found myself with a lot of weight on my shoulders. I am not really used to that so it concerned me. I started asking the Lord why this is happening. I wanted things to change so I prayed about it. I was listening to Andrew Wommack “discover the keys to staying full of God” and he talked about how David in the Old Testament edified himself in Lord when all seemed lost in his life (1 Samuel 30:6 - David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the LORD his God.) What he did there, was look at how big God was versus looking at his problems and be overwhelmed. God spoke to him and told him to go after his family. David did and the Lord gave him victory and they were once again reunited.

That convicted me. I’ve been focusing on all that I need to do and how early I am in my journey to being where I’d like to be. That I have allowed overwhelm to set it and I’ve taken my eyes off of how big God is. I’m still praying and spending time with him but instead of just glorifying him and beholding him and his goodness I’ve been pleading with him to make my journey easier and to help me with this and that. I’ve taken my eyes off of how BIG God is and made all my “problems” seem bigger then they really are. And even if they are HUGE or even life threatening. GOD IS STILL BIGGER.

Where we look

We will go


What we behold

We become.

A few minutes later I’m listening to the Bible and it’s on 1 Samuel 17 where David goes to visit his brothers, Goliath comes out to taunt the Israelites, David doesn’t freak out and tremble like the rest of the army (mighty warriors included) David is a shepherd boy but he knows who God is and God is huge in David’s eyes. David wasn’t anyone more “special” to have defeated the giant, the only reason he was “more special” was because he saw God the way he was supposed to, in comparison to the problem in front of him.

God is everything. He loves us where we’re at. He never leaves us or forsakes us. When we feel distant from him, it’s because we put things between us and him, not because he turned away or is displeased with us. He is always quick to forgive. He sent the Holy Spirit to us as a helper in all things. (Stay tuned I’m hoping to write about that in my next entry). God is one hundred percent for us and with us. It’s our perspective of him that changes everything. Be it we are in awe of him and conquer our daily life with victory or be it that we feel like he’s far from us and is displeased with us and our own troubles consume our thoughts and joy.

So just like I was challenged to shift my eyes upwards towards Jesus in EVERY area of my life, I challenge you to do the same.

I started this morning off by listing every single thing that’s been weighing me down telling God that’s he’s bigger than… and also praising him and just staying focused on him and not myself.

“Lord, your bigger then my dreams, and the ideas bursting out of me, the drama with my children, the never ending house work, the overwhelming minimalist and eco journey I’m on. The fears I have to do what you’ve told me to do. You’re much bigger then my marriage differences, you are sooo much greater then my short comings. I have YOU living on the inside of me so I WILL live in joy, peace, wisdom and unconditional love towards the people that you have placed in my life. I can and WILL do, ALL that I need to, through Christ who gives me strength. I will overcome all things and will give you glory through it all.”

“Jesus you are awesome and I give you today! Thank you for waking me up early to spend some time with you, so that I can be encouraged by you. Thank you for being there for me and always wanting to be with me. I love you.”


P.S. How can we make God bigger than our circumstances or problems in life? The answer is, we worship him. In your Spirit, take the attention off of whatever it is that is consuming your thoughts and put it on Jesus. Worship him, give him praise, focus on him and renew your mind with his word daily. Put aside distractions and anything that takes your time and attention from Jesus and center yourself on him instead. Trust me you will see changes. He is good and he is faithful and his love is unconditional. He cares about you, sees you and is right there with you in the midst of what you’re dealing with. Blessings.