I finally know who I want to be when I grow up!

I love, love, love to be a mommy! My kiddos are so precious and growing up so fast, I just try to soak in every moment I get to spend time with them and get to know them more. They seem to be changing all the time and watching them become their own person is so much fun!  

What do you want to be when you grow up? Growing up I disliked that question, I never knew what to say because I didn't want to be any of the choices that were offered to me. I seemed to be the only one who didn't know. Just to have an answer I would say 'teacher'.(Funny, to think that I'll be homeschooling this year, something I did not want to do more then anything but that will be a post for another time.)

After getting married and starting a family, I spent most of my days at home with my kiddos without a car and hardly any adult conversation. On some hard days I would feel like I'm not doing much to make a difference in the world. I thought having a baby wouldn't change much and that I would go on with life as usual (boy, was I wrong!) I finally excepted things as they are and coped with the idea that when my kiddos will get older I'll finally be more able do something meaningful in life. 

A few months ago I had a friend over, she just had some new life changes and was telling me how she's still trying to figure out what she really wants in life, where to settle down, go to college or not, what would be the ultimate job to work at, when to start a family and all these questions. I wished her the best of luck and when she left I felt relieved that I didn't have to make decisions like that because what in the world would I choose to do?! Those questions didn't just leave my mind though, I kept thinking about it and asked God what is my life about? I'm still wondering who I'm supposed to be. I pondered on all that for a few days, and God brought back lots of childhood memories of me playing dolls, dressing up and wanting to be just like my mom, as well as me wanting to always hold newborn babies. One memory I have is of me being 5 years old sitting in my parents room on their bed holding a tiny baby, while he slept I just prayed over him and wished one day to have my very own real live baby doll. I don't know why but I've forgotten about all that through the years. 

Being reminded of all that, I had my Aha! moment and realized I am living my dream right now as it is. I got married and I'm a mother to four beautiful children whom I cannot imagine living without. I didn't plan this out but God did, He knows us and He knows our hearts desires even if we might not sometimes. I was trying to make something out of my life that people were saying is important and oh how thankful I am that the Lord showed me that I already have the best job in the world, and what a privilege it is to raise children. People who need you and are counting on you every day to show them and teach them how to live in this big world. What more do our kids want then a happy mommy and a daddy who love them, each other and most of all our amazing and caring heavenly Father. When I realized that this is what I want in life and that I wouldn't want to do anything else not even have them grow up faster, I became more content and I finally feel like I know what I want to be when I grow up. I want and love to be a wife a mommy! 

So I would encourage you, if you ask your kids this question then broaden their choice option. You never know maybe that little girl you have might want to be a mommy just like you; as well as allow your children to be themselves. As the parent try to see their strengths, passions and hobbies as they grow so when they are at a decision making point they will better know themselves with your help and choose to live their life accordingly.  

Some verses the Lord gave me when I felt overwhelmed

1 Peter 5:2-4 Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. Don't lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honor.

Psalm 73:4 Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your hearts desires.

I would love to hear, what are some things you wanted to be when you grow up and are you living them out?