Our Library trip

I've taken my kids to the Library before but they never were as excited as this last visit; this time we had a blast! There was a thunderstorm and we got soaked on our way inside. 

All my kids love books and I'm so grateful. I love to find them reading (looking through the book) in their beds or a cozy spot. It calms them down as well as gives me some quiet during the day.

My big boy Alistair :)

My big boy Alistair :)

I am teaching my kindergartener to read and it's not always easy. I was getting very frustrated and expecting her to just get it, but then I realized that she can hardly see the individual words on the page much less remember all that I've taught her.  I gave her a lot of grace and I also asked others to give a try at reading with her. One night I was bragging at how well she did in reading a book to my husband, she got excited and wanted to show him. When she started reading she didn't even struggle, got on a roll and read a few more books after that! Since then we've had more success and I realized that encouraging them inspires them to do their best. 

My baby Jasmine :) 

My baby Jasmine :) 

All you parents who are in this stage of life, don't despair if it seems overwhelming; they will eventually learn how to read. Make it fun and be a role model. Be positive, supportive, and reassuring and never critical. Reading is one of the hardest things for a child to learn as they are growing into this new stage of their life. Keep them interested and if reading isn't a strength, focus on their strengths. Let them know that all people are different and learn differently, they are no less of a person because of a challenging subject. Always celebrate success! (You can apply all this to anything your child is going through)

A good friend of mine told me something about reading with them that I have to share; Books below their level to build confidence. Books at their level to help them grow. Books above their level to build vocabulary. 

If any of you have tips, ideas or stories to share with me, please do!