Hope in the midst of uncertainty

I'm so heart broken again over our nation and the reality that it's becoming. Can this really be happening?? Is the beloved country that we live in actually becoming an unsafe place? I'm sure that I'm not the only one with these questions going through my mind. 

Kyle and I attended Bible collage in Dallas, Texas after we got married, there was a family there attending school with us. They are missionaries to China, a few weeks ago they came to visit America and on their second night here, the husband got shot and died. His wife is left with four young children all about the same age as my kids. I still have a hard time believing it. Or the shooting that just happened yesterday. Young people dying at such a young age for no reason at all but that people are so so lost. 

It grieves my heart to hear stories like this, I personally do not follow the news at all. I can imagine there is so much more that goes on that isn't spread nation wide. The questions I'm sure everyone is asking are "why is this happening? And how can it be stopped?". Could it be mental disorders, video games or could it possibly be guns...? I'm not one to debate or even state my opinion because quite frankly, I'm not one to judge. And I don't know, I doubt anyone does. It's much deeper then that, it's a root issue of an individual person and it's not a problem that can be solved easily without the Lords intervention. 

I can sense our nation becoming gripped with fear once again. It saddens me to hear that people are terrified of having children or sending them to school. Or how so many have to rethink before doing things that even ten years ago weren't a question of safety. It feels like every new expectant mother I talk to is terrified of the public schools now a days. It is so sad to hear and although those are not my reasons for homeschooling I can relate and totally understand how they feel and why they would feel that way. 

I wrote Faith over Fear a while back and I encourage you to read it, read it again if you've read it before. We can all use a reminder every now and then to live in faith and not fear. What stirred in my spirit as I heard the news, was a deeper sense of conviction to get out of my comfort zone yet again. There are endless opportunities to reach out to those around us. If we have Jesus then there is hope and we need to spread that hope. We need to live more like Jesus did, and ask ourselves the age old question "what would Jesus do?" 

In my last post Summer 2018 I wrote about how I surrendered my summer plans over to the Lord and watched him do amazing things. The people I've met and the lives that have been touched by a simple act of obedience and a willingness to be open and say yes, brings me so much joy. The Lord loves EVERYONE and needs SOMEONE to go and spread that to the world. It doesn't have to be through awkward "outreach" experiences or anything that came to your mind when I said that. (Haha yes I know, I've been there). Seriously though it can be as simple as a smile or a positive comment, or befriending someone you regularly see but never really cared to get to know more. Or how about going the extra mile for someone who is especially unlikable.. Honestly there are so many ways to serve and be the hands, feet, voice and love of Jesus. It only takes a willing heart for the Lord to open yours eyes and show you the many ways it could be done. I strongly believe that this is one of the ways that this nation can become a safe place once again. 

There is one thing that I will admit I have not being doing consistently and that is praying for my country and our leaders.. We expect them to carry the weigh of our town, state, country and make all the big decisions in our favor but how are we helping? If there is no other way we can help but pray, then we can all at least commit to that. Regularly, daily even vow to pray for this nation (as if our life depended on it). I teach my children the importance of authority and that it all begins with God our father. He's the ultimate authority we account to, it's him that we need to trust above all and live in such a way that honors him. But we also live in a fallen world where everyone needs guidance. We need to pray for the officials and all who are in authority above us. 

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message God gave to the world at just the right time.    -1 Timothy 2:1-6

Today bring your family close, pray together for our world and the future of our children. Find peace in the midst of the chaos. Commit with me to live in such a way that we can make a difference in this world, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. I'm praying for you and your families. May the Lord watch over each of us and give us the courage and wisdom to live bigger then ourselves. 

Blessings, Natty