Not our home!

There is a desire that I believe is inside each of us to have a "perfect life." We want the perfect house, marriage, children, body, day and the list goes on! I have had this "perfection" desire deep down inside; sometimes without realizing my expectations. I feel like it should just all come together one day but just recently, I finally got it! My husband asked me "If God says to move, would you could you? I said "I could I would move if God told me so!" (we've been reading 'Green Eggs & Ham' to the kiddos. lol) I just spoke the right answer without really thinking about the question. Later that evening when I was thinking about it, my heart was going so fast I knew something was up so I told God "You know, I would move if you told us to but what about having the home of our dreams, some place for the kids to grow up in. We are so close to family and I just LOVE it here (In Hawaii) so why would you ask?" The answer is, no matter what we want or where we live it will still not feel like enough because this is not our final home. So if God calls us to move or we stay here forever it doesn't matter. We should live as missionaries wherever we are. Pouring out God's love and sharing life with people.

Hebrews 13:14-For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.